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Oily fish to reduce the risk of arthritis

The Dhaka Times Desk A group of Western experts claimed that eating oily fish can reduce the risk of physical problems like gout by half. Their research article was published in the journal 'Annals of Rheumatic Diseases'.

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Eating at least one piece of oily sea fish like salmon or mackerel once a week can halve the risk of painful problems with arthritis, especially gout, experts say.

Experts claim to get information from the results of a survey conducted on 32 thousand Swedish women. In the report published in BBC, they advised to eat fish every day for good health. Because a diet high in fish, especially oily fish, provides plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats help keep the brain and heart healthy.

Rheumatologists say oily fish like salmon help prevent arthritis. Not only salmon, but marine fish like sardines, tuna and freshwater fish also help prevent arthritis. Because any oily fish is high in omega-3. These fish contain vitamin D in addition to fatty acids. These elements are also abundant in fish which are white in color. But if you want to get benefit, you have to eat two pieces of these fish in a week. Experts say that those who are pregnant or who want to have a baby soon, should not eat more than two pieces of oily fish a week. Because it can cause damage.

Professor Alan Silman, director of health at the Arthritis Research Center in the UK, said that people with arthritis who regularly eat seafood or fish oil have a reduced risk of developing arthritis. Alan Silman also says that fish oil can also help relieve gout pain.

Rheumatic arthritis is on the rise in England, particularly in Wales. 580 thousand people of the country are affected by this disease. When this disease increases, the bones become painful, hard, and swollen. Source: Online

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