The Dhaka Times Desk Aishi, the daughter of the murdered police couple, not only took drugs but also got involved in business at one point. On the 2nd day of remand yesterday, he said he took sleeping pills from his friend Johnny.
He would often return home in the middle of the night because of drug dealing and crooked friends. Oishi gave this information during police remand interrogation. Yesterday Tuesday was the second day of the 5-day remand of 3 people including Oishi.
Asked where she got the sleeping pills given to her parents, Aishi told the detectives that it was her friend Johnny who supplied her with these drugs. Johnny had given him sleeping pills many times before. He gave that medicine to his parents two or three times. So only Johnny can tell from where the medicine is bought.
An intelligence officer who interrogated Aishi said that she is being questioned cautiously due to confusion about her age. Every now and then he changes his position. Oishi feels more comfortable giving information about his life and past rather than giving information about the murder. A few days ago, after leaving the house angrily, he admitted to staying at the house of one of his friend Johnny's girlfriends for 15 days. At that time, he developed a physical relationship with Johnny. But he didn't like to stay like this and met his father outside and returned home. Since then parents could not accept him normally. They also obstructed his normal movement. At one point on July 31, Aishi's parents took away her mobile phone. So Aishee made her mother unconscious by taking sleeping pills in coffee and talked to her friends from that phone. Many times he went out and took drugs while the mother was asleep and returned. Johnny also supplies her with the 10 sleeping pills her parents took before they were killed.
The intelligence officers said, Aishi was not a regular student of Oxford. She was appearing for 'O' level examination as an external student. But with two tests the others failed. While studying at Motijheel Ideal School, Aishe failed in the 8th standard final examination. As a result, he could not pass the 9th class. Then on June 9, 2010, he was admitted to the 8th grade as a student of the English version of Oxford International School. A few days after his admission there, he met and became friends with Bakir, a member of the yaba consumption group in Oxford. Gradually their friendship began to grow. A love relationship develops. It is through this Bakir that he leans towards consuming the deadly drug Yaba. Oishi became uncontrollable. Many friends in the alliance. Interrogators said that Roni, who is on remand, is basically Aish's yaba consumption and business friend. And Johnny and Saidul are friends of dance parties and DJs. Oishi has also sold yaba in different places with Roni. Got its share too. Aishi claims that Roni cheated her in business. Although he is not angry about this. And participated in various DJ parties with Johnny. Had fun, earned some money.
The interrogating intelligence officers said that Oishi told them two different things about the murder of her parents during the interrogation yesterday. Once said, he killed alone. Another time saying that two friends Johnny and Saidul killed the parents. But the two friends could not present any argument in favor of being present. The detectives have so far confirmed that the murder was committed by Aishi alone. Because a knife was used in the murder. There is only one handprint on the knife. As a result, the presence of friends cannot be confirmed. When he realizes that taking full responsibility for the murder alone could lead to a severe punishment, he implicates his friends in misleading information.
Yesterday, Oishi repeatedly pleaded with the detectives to give him a chance to make amends. He wants to return to the good life. Everything he had done so far was wrong. Besides, he also said that he is less than 18 years old, so surely he will get a chance to amend.
Meanwhile, the mystery surrounding Johnny and Saidul is now intensifying. Detectives say that if these two people are found, all the secrets will be revealed. The intelligence officials said that the houses of Aishe's two absconding friends are in Basabo and Manda areas.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police Joint Commissioner Monirul Islam told reporters yesterday morning that the process of identifying the cause of the murder and those involved is almost at its final stage. Now only the matter of two friends is in front. If these two friends Saidul and Johnny can be arrested, the whole matter will be clear. In response to a question, he said that the detainees are being interrogated keeping in mind the provisions of the Children's Act.
References: Online magazine.
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২১, ২০১৩ 1:03 pm
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