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One person died due to mosquito-borne EEE virus

The Dhaka Times Desk An 80-year-old woman from Massachusetts, USA Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus and died.


This is the woman Eastern equine encephalitis The first patient to die from the virus this year was confirmed by the US Department of Health in a health statement on Tuesday.

The woman, who died of the EEE virus, was admitted to hospital earlier this month but doctors were unable to ascertain the cause of her illness.

The doctors said that they understood that the infected woman was bitten by an infected mosquito and as a result she herself got infected. According to the US Department of Health, they are conducting research on the spread of the EEE virus in an epidemic form.

doctor Katherine Brown "We're in the middle of research on EEE virus infection. In the past decade, EEE virus infection has reached epidemic levels in America, so finding patients with this virus means we need to be alert now," he said.

Brown "The EEE virus has been present in Massachusetts since the 1930s, but we are still in the middle of researching this virus," he said.

The Massachusetts State Health Department said the EEE virus is a contagious disease that can spread from neighboring homes through mosquitoes, so everyone should be on the lookout.

Source: The Boston Globe.

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