The Dhaka Times
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Police couple murder Accepting the responsibility of killing parents. Oishi-Sumi Gazipur Correctional Cell

The Dhaka Times Desk Oishi has confessed to killing her parents in the court. Sumio, the maid, also admitted to the collaboration. The court ordered them to be sent to Gazipur Correctional Cell.


In the confession statement, Oishi said that she killed her parents with her own hands. On the other hand, Sumi said that she helped Oishi to move the body. Their statement started today at noon and ended around 4 pm.

After the 5-day remand, Oishi was produced in the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Anwar Sadat on Saturday afternoon.

Police have taken Aishee, who was arrested for killing her parents, to the juvenile correctional center in Gazipur's Konabari from Kastri. On the other hand, the court again granted a 5-day remand to his friend Mizanur Rahman Roni.

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