Categories: health talk

Patients with kidney disease will especially benefit from exercise

The Dhaka Times Desk Patients with kidney disease receive special health benefits from exercise, especially those with diabetes and high blood pressure.

A recent study shows that patients who are suffering from kidney related complications will benefit from exercise. Exercise and a well-regulated lifestyle will help maintain your health and reduce your risk of heart disease.

American Society of Nephrology This research report published in is based on the specialized research of a team consisting of nephrologists, specialist nurses and exercise or physical training specialists.

The study looked at a total of 83 patients, all of whom had kidney complications. However, only 45 patients were able to participate in physical exercise because the doctors formed age-based groups of patients in the study, so only those who could participate in exercise or physical activity participated in the study.

In the case of participating patients, their health improvement at the end of the year is 11%, on the other hand, in the case of normal patients who did not exercise, the health improvement is only 1%! Apart from this, significant improvement can be seen in the weight loss of the patients who participated in physical exercise.

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Doctors who participated in the study Nicole Isbell "We want to say that physical exercise is especially helpful for kidney patients, in this case they can avoid various health related complications at the same time and studies have shown that the health of kidney patients who exercise is noticeable! Exercise is a more effective approach, especially for those with kidney disease as well as diabetes and high blood pressure.

There are currently 60 million kidney patients worldwide, many of whom are expected to benefit from this new research.

Source: health day.

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০২২ 12:40 pm


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