The Dhaka Times DeskFacebook This time focused on nail polish sales. Facebook named their nail polish “social butterfly blue” Each bottle of nail polish is priced at $4.95.
We already know the mobile manufacturer HTC going to make facebook phone! Now it has been revealed that Facebook is going to focus on making and marketing women's cosmetics.
Many people will be surprised to hear that why would Facebook make nail polish for women or market it again? However, Facebook has already launched their own special nail butterfly blue”! However, the nail polish bottle does not have that familiar Facebook logo! A butterfly shape is used here as a logo.
Meanwhile, Facebook is selling their new nail polish only at the Facebook Main Campus store in California! The price per bottle is 4.95 dollars. If you want to buy it, you have to contact the California store directly. There is no online ordering system for now.
Source: The TechJournal.