The Dhaka Times
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Tamim criticized the board, disgruntled captain Mushfiq too

The Dhaka Times Desk National team captain Mushfiqur expressed his displeasure with the new method of changing teams in the BPL and Premier Division Cricket League held at Rupsi Bangla Hotel yesterday. On the other hand, Tamim Iqbal, the opening batsman of the national team, is furious with the board for not being able to protect the interests of the cricketers.


Expressing anger at the board, Tamim Iqbal said in a press conference, "Who is the board for, the cricketers or the franchises and clubs?" In BPL franchisees demanded to reduce the amount of cricketers, BCB accepted their demand. This time the clubs have made the same claim and BCB has accepted it! So it is natural to raise questions."

Tamim expressed doubt that Sri Lanka's path would have to be followed due to the lack of opportunity to select teams in the new system. Senior cricketers like Jayawardene, Dilshan do the work of bargaining with the board for good salary in Sri Lanka. They don't need to do it because they don't play much longer - yet they do it with the future cricketers in mind. We may have to do the same.”

Tamim also questioned the board about BPL, "It is not bad to want to follow IPL. But there locals get more money and youth are encouraged. But here in our BPL foreigners get more money. Players like Mushfiq, Shakib get paid in thousands, and many average foreign players get paid in lakhs. How reasonable is that?”

Meanwhile, along with Tamim, both Shakib and Mushfiqur expressed their disappointment with the board's decision. Mushfique said, “I am personally not satisfied with the auction process. Every player is the same. The board has promised us that it will happen only this year. We trust them. We hope that from next year there will be a change in the previous system."

However, the captain wants to return to the field as soon as possible. He requested the board to start the domestic premier league before coming to New Zealand, Bangladesh. Referring to the preparation phase, he said, “Premier League is a plus point for us. Let the league start early and let us play a few matches before the home series."

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