Money transactions and face verification on PayPal

The Dhaka Times Desk অনলাইন অর্থ লেনদেন সেবাদানকারী প্রতিষ্ঠান paypal. Recently, the company introduced face verification system to withdraw money through mobile phone.

PayPal is one Ecommerce based organization. Those who help money transfer or change hands over the internet. This method of online money transfer is different from traditional money transaction methods such as checks or money orders. Opening a PayPal account requires a bank account electronic debit card or credit card. PayPal acts as a payment processor for online sellers, as well as online, auction websites, and other commercial websites that accept PayPal services for which PayPal charges fees or costs. PayPal account is also very effective for shopping from various e-commerce sites or paying any bill online, paying the bill of a PayPal supported restaurant or shopping in the market.

Officials of the company believe that PayPal always thinks about the convenience of customers. To make the PayPal system more convenient for customers, payments can also be made through PayPal through mobile.

The PayPal app has a tab called Local. Through this tab, PayPal can be paid using mobile in shops or restaurants. Recently the face verification system has been tested in the app. As a result, money transactions through mobile from PayPal are more secure. The customer's name and profile picture will appear in the store or restaurant PayPal app when the customer checks in the payment online. The cashier or responsible officer can complete the transaction by simply matching the profile picture with the customer.

PayPal is pleased to offer modern technology to consumers and general merchants. This initiative is to ensure that the general consumer does not feel insecure about money matters. Note that the service is only available in PayPal supported countries and businesses. PayPal has not started their operations in Bangladesh yet. Hopefully PayPal can start their operations in Bangladesh very soon.

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References: The Tech Journal


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