The Dhaka Times Desk Although tamarind is sour, many people do not know that it can have so many qualities. But this tamarind contains many types of nutrients which are essential for the human body.
We all know that tamarind makes our tongue water. We have seen many funny stories about tamarind since childhood. Although it is actually sour, we never imagined that this tamarind has so many qualities. Again, we have heard from a young age that eating tamarind or the body's blood becomes watery! We used to believe these nonsense. But now will anyone believe such a thing? Now the modern age has come. We now have the means to know and understand what is beneficial and what is harmful. In fact, tamarind is not harmful to our body in any way. Rather, it is very useful in various diseases including heart disease. Although tamarind is a spring-time fruit, it is available at all times of the year.
Tamarind controls high blood pressure in the body and is very beneficial for heart patients
Lowers blood cholesterol
Tamarind also works to reduce body fat
Tamarind syrup is very useful for stomach gas, digestive problems, burning hands and feet
Increases appetite
Relieves nausea during pregnancy
Saliva is produced in the mouth
Herbal tea of tamarind leaves is used to reduce malarial fever
Children stomach dewormer
Tamarind helps fight cancer
Used to treat piles
Helps heal mouth sores and skin inflammation
Tamarind purifies the blood
Reduces arthritis or joint pain
Great source of vitamin C
Eating old tamarind cures cough
Ripe tamarind contains more minerals than any other fruit
Food is also abundant
Calcium content is 5 to 17 times higher than all fruits
And the amount of iron is 5 to 20 times more than all fruits except coconut.
Source: Internet
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১০, ২০২৪ 12:20 pm
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