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The whole fruit is more beneficial in diabetes than the juice

The Dhaka Times Desk We have known for a long time that the quality of the fruit can be fully obtained by consuming fruit juice. But now researchers are saying something different. They say whole fruit is more beneficial in diabetes than juice.


Experts believe that whether the whole fruit is eaten or its juice is consumed, there is no nutritional difference between the two. But due to variations in digestion in the stomach, its effects on the body may vary. Whole fruits play a role in reducing the risk of diabetes. Conversely, high amounts of fruit juice increase the risk of type-2 diabetes. A group of researchers from the United States, Britain and Singapore have reported this information by combining the results of three separate studies of the past 25 years. The results of the study were published yesterday in the British Medical Journal (BMG) on August 30.

More than 187,000 people from various professions in the United States participated in this study. Their diet, weight, smoking habits, physical exercise and other aspects of lifestyle are observed. Various aspects of their health are known through question and answer method. About 6.5 percent of participants developed diabetes during the course of the study.

Researchers reported that participants who ate fruit once a month or less had a 23 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate fruit at least twice a week. These fruits include blueberries, apples and grapes. On the other hand, those who consumed one or more servings of fruit juice per day had a 21 percent increased risk of developing diabetes. Those who ate whole fruit instead of fruit juice three times a week had a 7 percent lower risk of developing the disease.

Ki Sun, assistant professor of public health at Harvard University in the United States, said that it is now clear to us that the risk of diabetes increases due to consuming juice instead of whole fruit. Even if the nutritional value is the same, liquid food travels from the stomach to the intestines much faster than solid food. Fruit juice changes blood glucose and insulin levels more quickly than whole fruit. This increases the risk of diabetes. On the other hand, the anthocyanin content of grapes and berries has also been reported to reduce the risk of heart attack. Source: AFP.

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