Oppo unveils global version of ColorOS 13 with aquamorphic design and intelligent experience

The Dhaka Times Desk Aquamorphic design, smart interconnectivity to make life easier and ensure enhanced smartphone experience for users overall.

Oppo recently officially unveiled its latest Android-based operating system, ColorOS 13, to users around the world. Several important Android 13 features have been used in ColorOS, the new Android 13 based operating system that has been unveiled.

At the same time, the operating system has a completely new aquamorphic design and user-friendly UI for an enjoyable and comfortable visual experience. The new operating system uses Oppo's latest innovative technology; As a result, ColorOS 13's wide range of new features will further enhance smart multi-device connectivity by providing an enhanced phone experience with Intelligent Experience.

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New aquamorphic design

Inspired by the functionality of water in nature, this operating system brings a completely new aquaform design, which will help create a fluid, vibrant and inclusive UI. ColorOS 13 adds a new theme palette inspired by the changing colors of light between sunrise and sunset at sea level. This new system font makes system text more readable in any language. ColorOS 13 is designed to provide a comfortable visual experience based on aquamorphic design with other upgrades like card-styled layout.

ColorOS 13 provides a more advanced user experience by integrating various aquamorphic effects with new behavioral predictions based on the user's control intent into the system animation, UI, and Quantum animation engine. It is in line with Oppo's Human Centric (human-centered) inclusive design language, which brings empty state illustrations, highly recognizable icons and adaptive layouts for different screen sizes, thereby increasing readability and improving the overall user experience. Also the new always-on display image is called 'Homeland', which depicts vivid scenes of wild animals in nature. The always-on display animations show the changes in the room where the animals live and based on the daily temperature changes call the user to pay attention to climate change and the world in which humans live together.

Self-developed technology will improve device performance

ColorOS 13 Dynamic Computing Engine is an app's system-level technology solution, built in-house to deliver an all-round enhanced experience. Engine ColorOS 13 brings two big changes, including improved battery life and the ability to keep more apps open in the background. Oppo's Dynamic Computing Engine improves scheduling of hardware resources to extend battery life by achieving a balance between high performance and low power consumption. This helps keep apps running in the background and makes it possible to switch between multiple apps without losing status within an app or experiencing lag while switching.

All-new smart features will enhance intelligent work and life

ColorOS 13 focuses on smart features covering every aspect of life and work. In addition to being a great way to express the user's personality, the Smart Always-On Display in ColorOS 13 can now display information related to music and food delivery apps, helping users use music playback and other functions more conveniently. Oppo has partnered with the world's leading software and service providers, including Bitmoji and Spotify, to ensure a wide range of convenient and personalized experiences for users through the Smart Always-On Display.

Due to the use of industry-leading LTPO2.O technology, the refresh rate of the Always-On-Display drops to just 1 Hertz to save 30 percent power in some situations. Other smart home screen management features such as large folders, shelves, and home screen widgets are designed for users, helping them access the information they need easily and quickly.

Online meetings have gradually become popular after the Covid-19 global pandemic. So Oppo has created the first meeting assistant for the smartphone sector, specifically designed for online meetings. Meeting Assistant automatically prioritizes wireless data packets to provide a more stable connection during online meetings. It comes with Oppo Notes Shortcut, which lets users take meeting minutes in a small pop-up window, avoiding the hassle of banner notifications. One of the biggest updates in this operating system is providing the user with an improved multi-device experience. Multi-Screen Connect now supports seamless connectivity between smartphones and Oppo Pad Air and smartphones and PCs, increasing productivity and convenience with file transfer that supports more file formats without hardware limitations. Multiple mobiles can be connected to one PC through multi-screen connect and users can use multiple mobile apps simultaneously on the PC screen.

Prioritize safety and security

ColorOS has focused on privacy and security since its inception. ColorOS 13 has integrated the privacy features of the Android 13 operating system For example, the system will automatically delete the clipboard history after some time and prevent the leakage of sensitive information during malware attacks. Also, the Nearby Wi-Fi feature allows users to enjoy Wi-Fi facilities without revealing specific location information.

Oppo's self-developed technology plays an equally important role in enhancing privacy and security. Based on an on-device algorithm model, Auto Pixelate can automatically blur profile photos and names in chat screenshots, and the new Private Safe is encrypted with the widely used Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to ensure security. ColorOS 13 offers privacy and security – users can trust that the system is built on authoritative security and privacy authentication standards such as ePrivacy, TrustE, ISO27701 and ISO27001.

Enhancing the Android experience through strategic collaboration with Google

Oppo worked closely with Google to add new dimensions to the Android experience during the development of ColorOS 13. Oppo's flagship Find N Foldable smartphone and Find X5 Pro flagship smartphone are the first two phones to receive the Android 13 beta update globally. Oppo has also launched ColorOS Developer Edition based on Android 13 beta and will work together with Google to build a rich Android ecosystem.

ColorOS 13 Planning and Upgrade Policy

After the global unveiling of ColorOS 13, Oppo plans to update about 35 smartphone models a year, covering more than 60 countries and regions and 160 million users. This is the biggest update plan in the history of ColorOS so far. ColorOS 13 has been officially launched with both Find X5 Pro and Find X5 phones. Oppo will bring ColorOS 13 to more than 20 more devices in early 2023. News press release.

Things to do to prevent Corona virus

# try to stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer cloth mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, face, head must be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried after one use.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২২, ২০২২ 12:35 pm

Staff reporter

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