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Artificial brain will work now!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now researchers have discovered artificial brain. This research will help a lot in the future to treat diseases like schizophrenia or autism.

The artificial brain

It is known that scientists have been trying to create a mature organ from stem cells in the laboratory for many days. In many cases there has been some success. But the creation of neurons or brains in the laboratory was only in science fiction books for so long. Now scientists have really claimed to make a whole brain in the laboratory. That too in just two months. The study was recently published in the research science journal Nature. News Anandabazar

A group of researchers from Austria's Molecular Biotechnology and Edinburgh University's Department of Human Genetics have been trying to create different parts of the human brain from stem cells for a long time. For this, they put a few stem cells (cells that can grow into mature organisms in a specific environment) in a container. In order to grow faster, those cells are immersed in a special liquid from the outside.

The scientists said that within a few days, those left cells grow and form neuroectoderm. Scientists believe that the brain of the fetus is formed from this neuroectoderm. After that, within two months, the neuroectoderm becomes a four millimeter brain. Scientists claim that although the size is smaller than normal, almost all parts of the brain are present in this artificial brain.

Jürgen Knoblish, one of the researchers, said, 'It is not our goal to make the whole head. We wanted to know how the brain is formed. Scientists hope that this research will help in the treatment of diseases such as schizophrenia or autism in the future. Source: Online

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