Categories: health talk

Texas A&M University researcher's idea: Watermelon is the natural Viagra!

Dhaka Times Report. There is no end of discussion and criticism about Viagra to increase sexual power artificially. There is also much debate about the side effects of this blue tablet. But scientists finally found a natural Viagra without side effects. This harmless natural thing is none other than our very familiar watermelon. Scientists claim that watermelon is as effective as Viagra. News from FNS news agency.

Binu Patil, a researcher at Texas A&M University, told the media that watermelon is a natural remedy for those who are impotent or weak in terms of sexual energy. That is, from now on, they will not pour money on Viagra, but they will have to indulge in watermelon bandanas.
After researching with his colleagues, Binu Patil surprisingly found that a watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which was previously unimaginable by scientists. Because scientists used to think that citrulline is usually more abundant in the non-edible parts of the fruit.

Binu Patil said, "We should know that citrulline is present in watermelon. But I didn't know it could contain so much citrulline."

The researchers explain, “The human body converts citrulline into a compound called arginine. Arginine is a divalent amino acid that acts as a precursor to nitric acid. Again, nitric acid plays an important role in the expansion of blood vessels or arteries in the body. And due to the expansion of the blood vessels or arteries, the special organ of the human being is activated. And Viagra also creates biological excitement in the body artificially by activating nitric acid in the body.

Researcher Binu Patil hopes that researchers around the world will come forward with the Viagra-quality of watermelon.
However, not everyone has accepted the results of his research in one sentence. Irwin Goldstein, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, said, “Nitric acid is definitely needed for arousal of the particular organ. But it is not yet proven that eating more watermelon will do the same thing naturally.''

However, Binu Patil is still not sure exactly how much watermelon an incapacitated person would need to swallow to cause biological irritation.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২১ 2:08 pm

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