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A 93-year-old man recorded walking on the wings of a flying plane

The Dhaka Times Desk British citizen Tom Lackey, a 93-year-old right-handed man, set a world record by walking on the wing of an airplane flying over the Irish Sea.


In 2005, at the age of 85, Lekki entered the Guinness Book of World Records by walking and standing on the wings of a flying airplane. And this time in 2013, Lekki broke his own previous record by walking and standing on the wings of a flying airplane for 1 hour and 21 minutes.


When asked about his actions, Tom Lackey said, "I feel blessed to come down safely, but I get a refreshing feeling on the wing that is amazing." He added, “It was a wonderful flight, but the sound of the aircraft engine and wind was very interesting. I saw many ships of the sea and their sailors from above. Also saw many cars that looked like miniature toys from that position.”


Tom Lackey said of his new record, “It was definitely scary at first, but now it's not because I broke my own record. I was on the wing for a long time and the pilot was ready to bring me down at any moment; But thank God he didn't have to."

Source: Metro

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