The Dhaka Times
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Police couple murder Oishi has complained that the statement was obtained through intimidation

The Dhaka Times Desk Police couple Mahfuzur Rahman and Swapna Rahman's main accused in the murder of their daughter Oishi have complained of taking statements by intimidation.


Aishee complained in the court yesterday that the police officers had extracted a confessional statement under Section 164 by threatening to kill her. So Oishi applied for withdrawal of that confessional statement. The court directed to keep his plea on record. The court also rejected the bail plea of Oishi and their maid Sumi.

Quoting the lawyers, the media outlet said, yesterday at 12:15 a.m., after Oishi was brought to court, her lawyers Prakash Ranjan Biswas and Mahbubur Rahman Rana told her to withdraw her confession. Aishee's conversation with the lawyers revealed that Aishee had no prior knowledge of the application to retract his confession. He agreed if the lawyers said it would be good for Oishi to retract his confession. The lawyers told him, if asked by the judge, he should say that he had been physically and mentally tortured and intimidated into confessing. Then the bail application was heard.

In the court hearing, the lawyers claimed that Oishi did not kill her parents, but someone else. Confession was coerced from him by intimidation. So let him be granted bail. At that time, the lawyers said that they wanted to talk to the court about the withdrawal of Oishi's confession. But the judge did not allow Oishi to speak and allowed the lawyers to sign the written plea to retract the confession. After that, Oishi stood at the court and signed the application.

After Oishi's hearing was over, Sumi was taken to Magistrate Anwar Chadat's court. As Sumi is a juvenile, the judge called her and her lawyer into private chambers as per the Juvenile Act. After a 10-minute hearing in Khas Kamra, Sumi's lawyer Syed Nazmul Huda said that bail was not granted.

It is to be noted that the police recovered the bodies of Inspector Mahfuzur Rahman and his wife Swapna Rahman of Special Branch of Police (Political Branch) at their residence in Chameli Bagh, Malibagh of the capital on August 16. The next day, Oishi himself surrendered to the police station. Then 3 people including Oishi were remanded. After the remand, Oishi gave the confessional statement in the private room of Metropolitan Magistrate Anwar Sadat on August 24.

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