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Snail found in the sea knee!

The Dhaka Times Desk The boy went to bathe in the sea just for pleasure. A strange animal walking with a chest full of happiness! Which nested in the boy's knees!


When we go to the sea we usually like to come back to souvenirs. Most often it is a snail, a mussel, or a piece of coral. But if that happens, I took the sea bath inside the body as a souvenir! That's what happened, in California, America, with a four-year-old boy named Paul Franklin. He goes camping on the beach with his family for vacation. The trip was memorable in Paul's four-year life, except for his fall on a rough rock.

After returning home from the walk, Paul's right leg started to hurt. A few days later, the right leg began to swell. Naturally, the mother was worried about this unusual swelling of the baby. At first, he thought that this happened because of another fall of the stone. After taking it to the doctor, the doctor assumed the same at first. But if the treatment is not a disease, how can you get a cure! So even after regular application of food, feet started swelling day after day. When a gash just below the knee swelled to the shape of a large orange, Paul's mother Rachel squeezed it and tried to squeeze out the infected fluid. After that, a black snail chick came out! Divya fell from her knees and started walking on the floor. Paul's father thinks that the stone-like object his son fell on while playing was probably a nest of black snails. One of the eggs accidentally landed on Paul's knee. The egg hatches in this knee.

According to the latest news, Paul named this snail Turbo. And Turbo is currently living in Paul's home aquarium with a fish named Dory.

References: Daily Mail

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