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The world is worried about Syria. Rebel group involved in chemical attack: Russia

The Dhaka Times Desk The world is worried about Syria. The US is determined to attack Syria. On the other hand, various countries of the world have raised questions about the justification of this attack. Russia says rebel groups were involved in the chemical attack.


The use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Khan al-Assal on March 19 may have involved a group of rebels rather than the country's government forces. Russia thinks so by investigating that city. This information was given in a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia on Thursday. Meanwhile, a Russian anti-submarine ship arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean on Wednesday. News from foreign media.

According to the investigative report, the launcher used in the March 19 attack did not match the quality of the weapons used by the Syrian army. Rather, the shell in which the substance was contained was consistent with a shell manufactured by an insurgent group. Russia handed over the 100-page report to the United Nations. Russian experts collected samples from the city of Khan Al Asal and analyzed them.

From the analysis obtained, they believe that the deadly sarin gas launcher in that city was launched by the insurgents. The shell was found to be similar to the missile made by the Bashar al-Nasr Brigades in northern Syria. Sarin gas and other samples found by analyzing soil and shells were used by Western powers to develop chemical weapons during World War II. 26 civilians and army personnel were killed in that attack. 86 people were injured. The anti-submarine destroyer Admiral Panteleev arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean on Wednesday to join the Russian Navy. It left Vladivostok port in Russia on March 19. Three more Russian warships crossed Turkey's Bosphorus Strait yesterday on their way to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Meanwhile, the US has made all preparations for a possible attack on Syria. At least two million people have already fled Syria. Syria, however, has taken all measures to counter this attack. Different major countries of the world are against this attack. They think war can never bring peace. Therefore, it has been called to resolve the Syrian crisis through negotiations.

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