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After 6 years of marriage, the father and mother of two children found out that they are brothers and sisters!

The Dhaka Times Desk They have been married for 6 years, not a day or two. Two children have already come into their lives. But there is a storm in their lives. The reason is that the couple recently found out in a medical examination that they are indeed brothers and sisters!

দুই সন্তানের জনক-জননী বিয়ের ৬ বছর পর জানলেন তারা ভাই-বোন! 1

According to a report by media outlet The Mirror, the British couple themselves shared their amazing story on social media. However, their identity was not revealed in the report. It is known that they separated from each other at a very young age.

The husband claims that he was adopted at a very young age and does not even know who his biological parents are. Brother-sister marriage is also practiced in many countries of the world. After having two children, the husband and wife find out that they are actually brothers and sisters, something that has probably never happened before.

According to the report of The Mirror, the person was separated from his parents for some reason after birth. Another couple from the same town adopted him. After growing up, he fell in love with a young woman of that town. Then they got married.

Even after having their first child after marriage, they did not know that they were brother and sister. This information came to light after the birth of the second child. His wife fell ill. Doctors said that he needs a kidney transplant. He did not have any relatives tested for kidney donation. This time her husband also tested.

The doctors were shocked when the test results came. The reason is that doctors find a brother-sister resemblance between husband and wife. Swami says, 'I am tested to see if I can donate a kidney. I knew it would be impossible. Because we are husband and wife. But the doctors called me and told me that a match was found!

Then, doctors tested his tissue for HLA (human leukocyte antigen). As a result of that test, the matching rate between husband and wife is very high. Which seems quite unusual, as this similarity is usually seen between brothers and sisters.

DNA similarity between brothers and sisters is close to 100%. Parents and offspring have at least 50 percent similarity. So in this case, the doctors claim that the husband and wife are actually brothers and sisters.

The husband also informed that no genetic disorder has been diagnosed in their children. However, after finding out they are siblings, the British couple is also unsure of what to do. They asked netizens for advice.

But according to most, they are married and already have children. So there is no turning back. Moreover, no abnormalities were observed in the children. Both are healthy.

So they should now be good parents to their children. A brother or husband must heal his sister or wife with his kidney. Nothing needs to be changed.

A person named Ali Pavez commented, Sorry, doctor but the possibilities are there. They are brothers and sisters, but doctors have not confirmed 100%, they think. Many ideas in the world have been proven wrong.

Things to do to prevent Corona virus

# try to stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer cloth mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, face, head must be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried after one use.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.

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