Nokia's ex-employee is launching an Android phone called Nokia

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people think that if Nokia had an Android phone, it would be great. And with that in mind, some officials of Nokia Nokia Coming out of the new brand Nukia It is going to make the mobile of the Android operating system.

Nokia has a reputation worldwide for its advanced hardware. If it comes with Google's Android operating system, that would be great. These former officials of Nokia took this initiative from that idea.

The matter has come to the discussion from the founder of the new Nokia himself, the former chief executive officer (CEO) of the Asia Pacific region of Nokia, Thomas Zillakas. Many former Nokia officials and engineer technicians have joined Thomas Zillakas! As a result, there has already been a storm of discussion in the market about how the new Nukia will be.

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Thomas Zillakas said that he thinks that if Nokia had launched an Android mobile set in the market, it would have received a huge response from the public. But with Microsoft recently buying Nokia's mobile phone division, that is no longer possible. So Zillakas voluntarily left Nokia and took that initiative himself. He has already started fundraising to build an Android phone called Nokia. He hopes that Nokia will be on the market in the middle of 2014.

Meanwhile, in the newly formed Nokia, all the workers and technicians are ex-Nokia employees. They said that the same hardware they used in Nokia, they can use in Nokia. Nokia has also informed that if Android operating system is attached to Nokia using quality hardware like Nokia, then it will be amazing and can compete with all other smartphones in the market.

For now, we will have to wait until 2014 to see this Android revolution from Nukia.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১০, ২০১৩ 11:52 am


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