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Rupali Chowdhury was again recognized as CIP

The Dhaka Times Desk Rupali Haque Chowdhury, Managing Director of Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited (BPBL) has been awarded the prestigious “CIP” by the government as a commercially important person in the country's industrial sector.

আবারও সিআইপি হিসেবে স্বীকৃতি পেলেন রূপালী চৌধুরী 1

The award was given to him in recognition of his dedication and responsibility in performing his role as President of FICCI in 2021. CIP is recognized by the government to honor the significant contribution and efficient management of industry leaders in different sectors who play an important role in the economic growth of the country.

The Honorable Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture presented this award to Rupali Chowdhury through a grand ceremony recently held at Intercontinental Dhaka. Muhammad Abdur Razzak MP.

Honorable Minister of Agriculture Ministry was present as the chief guest in the event. Muhammad Abdur Razzak MP. Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun MP, Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Industries; Kamal Ahmed Majumder MP, Honorable Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industries; And FBCCI President Md. Jasim Uddin was present as a special guest on the occasion. Industry Ministry Secretary Zakia Sultana presided over the event.

Expressing gratitude for getting recognition as CIP, Rupali Chowdhury said, "As the guardian of industrial establishments, the Ministry of Industries can act as a one-stop service center for approving various industry-friendly laws and regulations. Conducting business can become easier due to coordination between various ministries”. He also said, “There should be an opportunity to get recognition as CIP for the heads of multinational industrial companies established with foreign investment. Because of which they will be more encouraged to contribute more to the economy of Bangladesh in the future.”

To achieve Vision 2041, the Government of Bangladesh is actively encouraging the country's business leaders and industry experts to innovate in their respective sectors. As part of this process, the government designates a maximum of 60 individuals from large, medium and small scale industries as commercially important. CIPs enjoy special privileges in various government processes, which make their leadership and business management tasks easier. Appreciated for his unique role as Managing Director of Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited and President of FICCI, Rupali Chowdhury has received this prestigious recognition eight times before. News bulletins.

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