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A few exotic animals that can regenerate special body parts

The Dhaka Times Desk As a child, we saw that the lizard's tail could fall off when we chased the lizard. Usually the lizard behaves like this by dropping its tail to avoid the eyes of the hunter. Then the lost tail grows back in time. There is a scientific explanation for the rebirth of lost limbs. Before the scientific explanation, let's know about 5 more animals whose body parts can be regenerated.


Axolotls are famous for being able to regenerate up to twenty body parts. It can regenerate body parts like wings, tail, heart or brain. If for some reason the animal is paralyzed or physically disabled, it can generate new neurons and nervous systems on its own. Through this, the axolotl overcomes his physical disability. Scientists call this feature of the animal incredible.

the deer

A mammal was found with continuously growing horns. The antlers of an adult deer can be enormous. Over the years the shape of the horn increases. Even if the horn is broken for some reason, growth continues. The antlers of this type of deer are not tufted. Instead, the horns continue to grow like the branches of plants. These retractable horns are used by deer to remove snow, find food, hunt, and intimidate enemies.

Marine squirt/tunicate

Although small in size, the sea squirt is important because of its genetic characteristics. Squirt is also commonly known as tunicate. The surprising fact is that squirts are capable of reshaping the entire body. The animal can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

Star fish

It is a fish in name, but it is not a fish. Star Mish is known as Maash in Bengali. It usually has 5 arms. However, some species have been found to have as many as 40 arms. The most interesting thing about the starfish is that if any of its arms accidentally deviates from the body, new arms are formed. The most amazing thing is that the deviated arm can also transform into a new starfish. The nervous system of the starfish remains active when the body parts deviate. Because of which reconstruction is possible.

tape worm

A tapeworm is an animal that splits into two when split in two. It can generate new heads and tails while keeping the previous heads and tails intact. This fearsome creature is equally harmful to humans and animals. It is capable of rapid propagation.

In addition, some species of lizards, snails, crabs, zebra fish can also reconstruct different parts of the body. Other animals are not structured like humans. Humans do not have all the characteristics of other animals. Although human hair, skin, various muscles are regenerated, the entire body is not regenerated. Scientists are studying this peculiar feature of different animals to find out what kind of genes are responsible for this reconstruction. People's livers can grow, heart muscles can build up, and the body can heal itself in response to minor injuries. If it is possible to understand the secret of the unique characteristics of animals capable of reconstruction, it may be used for human use.

References: National Geographic

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৩ 5:18 pm


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