The Dhaka Times Desk Cyclone 'Biparaya' is gradually strengthening towards the coast of southwest India and Karachi, Pakistan.
The Indian Meteorological Department said the 'catastrophe' turned into a very strong cyclone at 5 am on Sunday. It may also hit the coast between Gujarat and Pakistan on June 15.
Air traffic at the Mumbai airport was disrupted on Sunday due to the impact of the cyclone. Several flights were delayed and canceled due to inclement weather. On the other hand, the local administration has started the work of evacuating common people from the Sindh province of Pakistan to a safe distance.
According to the Meteorological Department, maximum sustained wind speed near the center of this storm may reach 155 to 165 kmph when it hits the coast. It is also in the form of a gust of wind
can flow At the time of landfall, the speed of this cyclone can reach 170 km per hour. However, the Meteorological Department has not yet announced the maximum speed of the storm. At present, this cyclone is moving northwards at a speed of 9 km per hour. Due to which there is a possibility of heavy damage in Kutch in Gujarat and Karachi in Pakistan.
It is known that heavy rainfall has started all over the west coast. Fishermen are prohibited from going to sea. Coastal low-lying areas are expected to be inundated by high tides of 8 to 10 feet above normal.
Things to do to prevent Corona virus
# try to stay at home all the time.
# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer cloth mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
# plastic PPE or eyes, face, head must be washed thoroughly with detergent and dried after one use.
# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
# Those who have sneeze cough should follow all the rules promulgated by the government. Also, wash hands as directed before and after handling food items, keys, switches, mice, remote controls, mobiles, watches, computer desks, TVs, etc. and after using the bathroom. Those who have dry hands use Moisture after washing their hands. Soap or hand liquid can be used. Why can this virus remain in the crackle (cracked part) of dry hands? Avoid using highly alkaline soaps or detergents.