The Dhaka Times
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Reminiscences: Seeing Anwar Hossain, the famous Nawab of Bengal, up close

M. H. Sohail On that day, I saw from a very close place the talented artist Anwar Hossain, who was famous as the Nawab of Bengal. The man of such fame at that time also mingled with everyone - talked in general.

Anwar hossain

Once upon a time movies were a huge thing. At that time this film was the only entertainment medium in Bangladesh. And so meeting the actors in these films was like a big achievement. Meeting with Anwar Hossain was also like that. I was very young. And when I was young, I used to go to the cinema and watch movies almost every week. To say that watching movies was an addiction. Anwar Hossain used to act in almost every movie of that time (early eighties). We were impressed with his performance.

Suddenly one day I came to know that Anwar Hossain is coming to act in Nawab Sirajuddaula Yatra. We ran with a few friends to a place called Jayanagar to see Nawab Sirajuddaula Yatra. But our intention was not to see Yatra, but to see Anwar Hossain.

Our mission was successful that day. We saw Nawab Sirajuddaula. But what we enjoyed the most was seeing Anwar Hussain up close and touching him. To meet and touch such a big actor was a rarity in those days. At least that rare event happened in my life.

We bought tickets and entered the pandal. But our target was to go inside and see Anwar Hossain up close. While doing that work, I not only saw him but also got his touch that day. It was beyond our imagination that he was such a big actor and still shook hands with everyone. We had no idea that he mixed with everyone so easily. And so the words of that day are remembered today after he died. I still see that Anwar Hossain in memory. We were very young. And so to speak, the general public. But still an actor like him did not stop us from going! Later, thanks to journalism, there was an opportunity to be in the company of many big actors. But those words of that day are never to be forgotten. How easy-going he really was, if you think back to that day, that is proof.

This talented artist Anwar Hossain left us. Many more actors may be born in Bangladesh but we will never get Anwar Hossain back. I may never hear the sound of his waste voice again. Maybe our future generation will be inspired by his films. This generation will understand that devotion, honesty, strength, sacrifice are all needed in an actor. Which was in this late actor Anwar Hussain.

Today we pray for the forgiveness of his soul. We wish him to be a resident of heaven.

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