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Weird news: 'Blobfish' is the world's ugliest animal!

The Dhaka Times Desk The ugliest animal in the world is the blobfish. The report has details about where this animal is found, what is its original habitat.

`Blab Fish

The ugliest animal in the world is the blobfish, there are countless species of animals in the world. Each has different characteristics. Some of them are famous for their beauty, some are very ugly. This time, the blobfish was chosen as the ugliest animal in the world.

Blobfish are commonly found in southern Australia and off the coast of Tasmania. Sometimes they are caught in fishermen's nets. The blobfish is the ugliest animal in the world right now. As the name suggests, this animal looks big and bulky, in a word, hideous.

Most surprisingly, the ugly animal protection organization 'The Ugly Animal Preservation Society' held an online referendum to choose their mascot to protect endangered animals. Blobfish got 795 out of 3,000 votes for ugly animal mascots.

Simon Watt, president of the organization, said: 'We needed an ugly face in endangered species. And I was surprised by people's response to the polls. For a long time, beautiful animals have attracted everyone's attention. But now the blobfish will stand for the ugly creatures that everyone forgot about.'

Among the ugliest animals are the axolotl (a type of amphibian from Mexico), the kakapo (a type of owl-like tia), the titicaca water frog (an almost extinct species of frog), the proboscis mankio (long-nosed monkey), voted one of the world's ugliest animals in a poll. . Source: Online

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