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The British Council organized the country's first 'Great Talks' on climate change

The Dhaka Times Desk The British Council has organized the Great Talk session for the first time in the country to discuss in detail the initiatives to be taken to combat climate change. The session on climate change is part of a series that started in India on August 24 and ended in Bangladesh on August 31.

Great Talks is a series of lectures organized by professionals working in the UK in various fields including technology, arts, film, science, science communication officers, environment, design and creative sectors, sports, space and politics. The Great Talks are part of the UK Government's Great Campaign to promote the UK internationally as a great place to travel, study and do business. Sessions of Great Talks are held at North South University and British Council Auditorium, Dhaka.

Professor Alison Greig, director of Education for Sustainability at Anglia Ruskin University, was the speaker on this occasion. Alison leads Education for Sustainability (EFS) research at Anglia Ruskin University's (ARU) Global Sustainability Institute.

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The initiative deals with how education can prepare the young generation for a more sustainable future. At the same time, he is a Principal Fellow of the Fellows of the Higher Education Academy (now known as AdvancedHE) and was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2019 for the highest peer-reviewed indicator of excellence in learning and teaching.

He regularly presents his work in front of academic and professional personalities in various workshops, conferences and sessions.

During the Great Talks in Dhaka, he emphasized the impact of climate change, what can be done, how it can be done and ways to prepare the young generation, especially those most affected, to lead the world in the future. While South Asia is currently witnessing record-breaking temperatures and Bangladesh is one of the most affected countries in the region due to the climate crisis; At this time, tackling the climate crisis has become very important for us. During the session, Alison answered participants' questions about the climate crisis, as well as motivating and encouraging everyone to raise awareness about the crisis and move forward in the best way possible.

Professor Alison Greig said at the event, “Everyone I met in Bangladesh took climate change seriously. The purpose of my speech was to instill interest in the minds of young people and help them think about how they can contribute to building a sustainable world through education and careers.”

British Council Cultural Engagement Director Bangladesh David Knox said, “Professor Alison Greig has come to Bangladesh to participate in Great Talks. We are delighted to welcome him here. In his speech, he challenged participants to think differently about the climate crisis. He certainly encouraged me to think about questions from a new perspective.

I think this will inspire all of us to find answers to these questions anew. We look forward to continuing discussions with the Government of Bangladesh to create climate awareness by contributing to Climate Connections.”

Students, academicians and researchers, high level government officials, representatives of NGOs and non-governmental organizations were also present on the occasion. News bulletins.


How to prevent dengue

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral fever. This fever is different from other viral or bacterial fevers. However, this fever is not contagious in any way. This viral fever can occur alone or in combination with other viruses (chikungunya, yellow fever, Burma forest, flu, respiratory syncytial) and bacteria (pneumococcus).

Dengue fever is divided into two categories depending on the severity of symptoms and fever.

1. Common dengue fever

2. Dengue fever with bleeding.

In the case of common dengue fever, the following symptoms are mainly seen-

1. Sudden high fever lasting 2 to 7 days.

2. Severe headache.

3. Pain behind the eyes.

4. Along with the fever, red rash appears all over the body.

5. Severe pain in whole body as well as back pain.

6. Nausea or vomiting.

7. A rash or red bumps on the skin.

In case of dengue fever with bleeding:

1. Bleeding from nose, mouth or vomiting with high fever within 2 to 48 hours.

2. Fluid accumulation in chest or abdomen along with fever.

If any of these symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately.

On the other hand

Wait at home for the first 3 days of fever. On the other hand, sponge the whole body with water every now and then. This will reduce the level of fever. Drink enough water and rest. After that, if the fever does not decrease or if it continues to increase after some time, consult a doctor immediately.

Things to do to prevent Dengue:

1. Try to keep the surroundings of the house as clean as possible.

2. If there are flower tubs or broken plastic bottles, can shells, tires or polythene inside the house, clean them quickly and drain the accumulated water from the flower tubs.

3. Spray or fog at least 3 times a week to kill mosquitoes.

4. You can keep mosquito repellent cream with you while going out.

5. After evening, younger and older members of the household should use mosquito nets.

6. Clean up any accumulated rain water, as this is the time when Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs.

7. On the other hand, you can use mats along with mosquito nets to avoid mosquito infestation.

8. Since Aedes mosquitoes bite during the day, it is important to avoid sleeping with mosquito nets while sleeping during the day. Source:

This post was last modified on September 3, 2023 at 2:00 pm

Staff reporter

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