The Dhaka Times
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FIFA 14 free download opportunity for iPhone lovers

The Dhaka Times Desk FIFA 14 on September 24 The game is about to be released. But for iPhone users, the iOS apps store already offers free download. This 1.16 GB game can be downloaded completely free from Apple's apps store.


But although it is free, it naturally does not add full benefits. To play in tournament and manager mode, you need to buy the premium version of the game which costs $5.99 or around five hundred rupees. But this new game's powerful multimedia player and other advantages of playing online, such as it can withstand more server pressure than before and tweak players will impress you. EA Company will reveal the details when releasing the game on September 24th.

If you want to enjoy this game for free, download it now for free from the iOS app store!


Reference: TechJournal

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