The Dhaka Times Desk বিশ্বের শীর্ষ প্রযুক্তি প্রতিষ্ঠান Apple এর বহুল আলোচিত iPhone 5C And iPhone 5S Its sale has started. But the sad news for iPhone lovers, iPhone 5S Its gold version has been released in very limited quantities in the market.
Apple online stores and iPhone stores have started supplying these latest phones from September 20. But the disappointing news is, iPhone 5S The coveted phone will be delivered from October and is listed on Apple Online Stores in America, England and Australia. iPhone 5S Get iPhones in other colors iPhone 5C It will take longer than that. It can be assumed that this time may be more than seven to ten days.
iPhone 5C Due to its relatively cheap and high demand, Apple has focused on this iPhone and it is easy to mass produce this phone at the moment. On the other hand, the A7 processor is outstanding iPhone 5S বেশি ব্যয়বহুল এবং ইহাতে বিশেষ আধুনিক প্রযুক্তির ফিঙ্গার প্রিন্ট প্রযুক্তি সংযুক্ত করা হয়েছে। বিস্তারিত জানতে ঢাকা টাইমস এ প্রকাশিত রিপোর্ট Finally, Apple launched the iPhone 5C and 5S read t
Apple did not say how many pre-ordered iPhones are being delivered on the first day of iPhone sales. But it is certain that iPhone 5S Customers are not getting it yet.
The price of these new models of Apple iPhone 5S is 16GB iPhone 5S is 199 dollars. The 32GB iPhone 5S will be available for $299 and the 64GB iPhone 5S will be available for $399.
On the other hand, the 16GB iPhone 5C is available for just $99, and the 32GB iPhone 5C is available for $199.
It should be noted that the possibility of these new iPhone models coming to the Bangladeshi market is very unlikely, so Bangladeshi iPhone lovers will have to wait for some time.
Reference: The Verge
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২০, ২০১৩ 10:56 pm
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