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Hopes for life on Mars are dwindling

The Dhaka Times Desk Hopes of finding life on Mars are fading. Because much less methane is found in the Martian atmosphere than is expected to be a sign of life. Science magazine recently published this information.


In the report, NASA scientists said, analysis of data sent by Curiosity, the robotic rover sent to Mars for research purposes, showed that the presence of methane in the air there was only 1.3 ppb (parts per billion). After analyzing the data collected from Mars with the help of powerful telescopes and artificial satellites, scientists said in 2003 that there are about 19 thousand tons of methane in the air of Mars. But according to the data sent by Curiosity, there is 6 percent less methane gas than the previous measurement. Scientists believe that previous observations may have been misinterpreted to lead to the conclusion about the presence of methane on Mars.

The presence of this low level of methane makes it very unlikely that microorganisms or organic fossils will be found in Martian soil. Because they increase the amount of methane gas in the air. NASA researcher Michael Meyer said, 'The probability of finding methane-producing microorganisms is decreasing.' But he is not giving up hope now. According to him, it applies only to one type of microorganism. There are many microorganisms on Earth that do not produce methane.

It may be noted that Curiosity landed in the equatorial region of Mars in August last year. The data it sent back has already proven that microbes existed on Mars in the distant past. Curiosity is now moving along the planet's Mount Sharp as part of a two-year mission. This is essentially the target of Curiosity. Sedimentary rock layers at the foot of this mountain may reveal when there was a life-friendly environment on Mars, scientists believe. Source: Online

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