Apple CEO Tim Cook opened an account on Twitter

The Dhaka Times Desk CEO of Apple Tim Cook Account played on Twitter. Millions of followers started following him on the very first day. Tim Cook has 1,79,621 tweep followers in one day, according to the latest data.

Apple's senior vice president of software Cue Eddy and Senior Vice President of Marketing Phil Schiller Although he has been on Twitter for a long time, Apple CEO Tim Cook opened his Twitter ID and wrote his first tweet. Tim Cook's first tweet describing the experience of visiting an Apple retail store has received 7260 retweets so far.

Tim Cook's Twitter ID is @Tim_Cook . Tim Cook opened his Twitter ID in early July although it was not verified by Twitter authorities at that time. However, Twitter recently verified Tim Cook's ID. Tim Cook wrote his first tweet after the ID was verified. He just hit the market in his first tweet iPhone 5S And iPhone 5C About visiting its wholesale market, he said, "I visited Apple's wholesale market today, and there were so many enthusiastic buyers that it seemed to me how much people are interested in what we have created!"

Meanwhile, Apple has informed that the Twitter ID opened in the name of Tim Cook is not fake, it belongs to Tim Cook himself.

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Source: TheTechJournal

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২২, ২০১৩ 10:31 pm


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