The Dhaka Times
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Samsung at the top of the world television market for 18 consecutive years!

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung Electronics has retained its top position in the competitive global market of televisions - said market research firm Omdia.

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Combining technological excellence and the best innovations, Samsung is constantly bringing the latest models of televisions to the market. The popular South Korean brand has been consistently excelling in the global market since 2006.

Samsung's focus on the premium large-screen TV category has been the key to Samsung's success, best exemplified by the brand's lineup of QLED and OLED models. The Samsung QLED TV lineup was first launched in 2017, with the recent addition of some fantastic Neo QLED models whose immense popularity has helped Samsung retain its top spot.

On achieving this unique milestone, Shahriar Bin Lutfar, Director and Head of Business, Consumer Electronics Division, Samsung Electronics, said, “Such extraordinary recognition in the global market undoubtedly boosts our passion to work with technological excellence and innovation and encourages us to move forward. We look forward to playing a pioneering role in the future to enrich the TV viewing experience of our customers."

Samsung, the country's first and only TV superbrand, has ensured a huge collection of televisions of different sizes and models in each of its segments. Also, as a global brand, Samsung has a very good outlet coverage in Bangladesh.

Samsung continues to dominate sales of premium TVs priced at over $2,500 and larger than the 75-inch range. The company has a 60.5 percent market share in the $2,500-plus television market. Also, they are at the top position in the 75-inch large television market with a 33.9 percent share.

At CES 2024, Samsung unveiled its breakthrough NQ8 AI Gen3 processor, ushering in the era of AI screens. With Tizen OS-powered cutting-edge AI technology, Samsung is working to establish the AI screen as the centerpiece of the smart home system. Samsung is confident that this advancement in chipset and technological capabilities will redefine the concept of smart TV.

2024 is shaping up to be another year of successful innovation shows for Samsung. Along with advances in processor and AI features, Samsung aims to redefine entertainment and set new benchmarks in the television industry.

News bulletins.


How to prevent dengue

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral fever. This fever is different from other viral or bacterial fevers. However, this fever is not contagious in any way. This viral fever can occur alone or in combination with other viruses (chikungunya, yellow fever, Burma forest, flu, respiratory syncytial) and bacteria (pneumococcus).

Dengue fever is divided into two categories depending on the severity of symptoms and fever.

1. Common dengue fever

2. Dengue fever with bleeding.

In the case of common dengue fever, the following symptoms are mainly seen-

1. Sudden high fever lasting 2 to 7 days.

2. Severe headache.

3. Pain behind the eyes.

4. Along with the fever, red rash appears all over the body.

5. Severe pain in whole body as well as back pain.

6. Nausea or vomiting.

7. A rash or red bumps on the skin.

In case of dengue fever with bleeding:

1. Bleeding from nose, mouth or vomiting with high fever within 2 to 48 hours.

2. Fluid accumulation in chest or abdomen along with fever.

If any of these symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately.

On the other hand

Wait at home for the first 3 days of fever. On the other hand, sponge the whole body with water every now and then. This will reduce the level of fever. Drink enough water and rest. After that, if the fever does not decrease or if it continues to increase after some time, consult a doctor immediately.

Things to do to prevent Dengue:

1. Try to keep the surroundings of the house as clean as possible.

2. If there are flower tubs or broken plastic bottles, can shells, tires or polythene inside the house, clean them quickly and drain the accumulated water from the flower tubs.

3. Spray or fog at least 3 times a week to kill mosquitoes.

4. You can keep mosquito repellent cream with you while going out.

5. After evening, younger and older members of the household should use mosquito nets.

6. Clean up any accumulated rain water, as this is the time when Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs.

7. On the other hand, you can use mats along with mosquito nets to avoid mosquito infestation.

8. Since Aedes mosquitoes bite during the day, it is important to avoid sleeping with mosquito nets while sleeping during the day. Source:

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