Categories: health talk

Do you know the benefits of bottled water for your body and skin?

The Dhaka Times Desk Dubbed as natural juice, this natural juice plays a special role in beautifying your skin. Besides, bottled water is also very beneficial for the human body.

To keep the skin beautiful, you have to eat a variety of fresh fruits, but many fruits are rich in vitamins, which increases health. Therefore, bottled water is the best drink for those who eat a controlled diet, because it contains vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3), minerals (potassium, sodium) without low calories. , chloride, phosphorus), besides carbohydrates, sugar, fiber and a small amount of protein.

Coconut water will leave your skin smoother, radiant and youthfully radiant! As a result of adulteration in today's world, the more you practice beauty with natural ingredients, the better. Harmful side effects of natural products are minimal to say the least.

In case of women, many people are allergic to the eyelids, so they can't use any mascara or eyeliner on their eyes, so the canned water is very effective to get an easy remedy! You can easily get the remedy by washing your eyes regularly with bottled water.

Many people have broken teeth and nails, there are many women who can't grow nails, if the nail is a little big it breaks or decays a little bit, you can drink canned water regularly to get rid of it because canned water contains vitamin "A" and minerals. In addition, many people have black spots on their nails and teeth. Canned water is also very effective in removing these stains on nails and teeth. Black spots can be eliminated by brushing nails and teeth with tap water.

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Many people have dark spots on the face and under the eyes, but those who regularly wash their face with tap water do not have this problem, so if you wash your face with tap water regularly, your facial skin will be beautiful and bright.

Meanwhile, Dab water is also widely used as a natural saline, because the minerals contained in it are able to eliminate the mineral deficiency in the body of diarrhea patients, and Dab water also plays an effective role in controlling diarrhea. The large amount of sodium, chloride and potassium present in canned water removes dehydration from the body and removes fatigue and brings radiance to the face.

Source:  Times of India

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২৪ 2:38 pm


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