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Daytime sleep: Helps make children smarter

The Dhaka Times Desk Children's intelligence develops when they sleep during the day. The researchers gave such information. Research has been conducted on this topic in recent times.

Sleep  & children

It is very good for children to practice afternoon nap. The longer you can sleep the better. Remember that your baby's nap after noon works well to improve his intelligence and memory. Especially for children who have not yet started school, this sleep is very important. This is known in a recent study. Dainik Samakal reported this news citing BBC and The Indian Express.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the United States have seen that, before going to school, the process of teaching children at home starts from parents, if they want to have a good afternoon sleep. Psychologist Rebecca Spencer and two of her co-researchers, students Casey Duclos and Laura Kardzael, said that the theme of their research is that at least one hour of sleep after noon is very effective in improving children's early learning ability and memory organization.

Rebecca Spencer studied 40 preschoolers in western Massachusetts, according to the news. Presenting the results of the research, he said, 'We are the first to have researched this. We have shown how important the afternoon nap is for a child to learn and remember something quickly.'

As part of that study, children were taught some things in the morning. It was more like a 'remember-remember' game. It shows some pictures of children. They are then asked to remember what the differences are and where they are. Participating children are divided into two groups. One part of the day was allowed to sleep and the rest was not allowed to sleep during the day. Those who slept were allowed at least 77 minutes of sleep. At night, however, they are allowed to sleep normally. Did a night's sleep have any effect on their performance?

Studies have shown that among those who forget the most things, children who did not take a nap the previous afternoon are more likely to forget. 35 percent of them could not remember correctly. And among those who slept during the day, 75 percent were able to remember it correctly. The results of this study were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

And so researchers have suggested to make children sleep during the day. Those concerned have expressed optimism that if they sleep regularly, children's intelligence will develop and they will get used to living a healthy and beautiful life.

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