The Dhaka Times Desk eBay নামের অনলাইন ভিত্তিক বিক্রয় সাইটে Apple Its new product is golden in color iPhone 5S Sold at an unusual price of 7,80,932 taka!
Apple has released their new product iPhone 5S in the market for a few days, currently there are three color iPhone 5S available in the market, among them, the gold color iPhone 5S is the most demanded, so the gold iPhone 5S is already out of stock in the market! As a result, many people are eager to buy it.
Recently, it was seen how much the demand for gold color iPhone 5S is eBay On the online based sales site of the name. There, US-based seller “Papakar” advertised a gold iPhone 5s for sale, and buyers flocked to the ad. Finally, the gold colored iPhone 5S fetched the highest price of Tk 7,80,932 which was sold to a buyer at this price. This is the most expensive iPhone sale ever.
Earlier, within three days of the iPhone 5s launch, all retailers and online sales sites sold out of the gold-colored iPhone 5S. Meanwhile, many people take it as a profitable business due to the low availability of the golden iPhone 5S, so its price is gradually skyrocketing. Popular online auction sites in that context eBay The gold colored iPhone 5S was picked up for sale here, many people participated in the auction with the price of 1,800 dollars, but one person bought it for the maximum price of 10,100 dollars, i.e. 7,80,932 in Bangladeshi taka.
Source: The Tech Journal
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৩ 5:25 am
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