The Dhaka Times
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The average pass rate in SSC is 83.04 percent

1 lakh 82 thousand 129 got GPA-5, which is 10.89 percent of the total number of passers.

The Dhaka Times Desk 83.04 percent students have passed this year's SSC and equivalent exams. Which is more than last time.

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Among these students 1 lakh 82 thousand 129 got GPA-5. Which is 10.89 percent of the total number of passed.

Accordingly, the pass rate has increased by 2.65 percentage points this year. On the other hand, the number of students who got full GPA-5 decreased by 1 thousand 449 students.

Last year (in 2023), 80.39 percent passed the secondary examination, 1 lakh 83 thousand 578 students got GPA-5.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina officially announced the results of secondary examination at Ganabhaban on Sunday morning. The Education Minister handed over the results to the Prime Minister.

After that at 12:30 PM, Minister of Education Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury Naufel gave a press conference in the meeting room of the Ministry of Education in the Secretariat.

Students can get their results from their educational institutes, education board websites and mobile phones through short messages (SMS).

This time SSC and equivalent exams are conducted in full time and full marks in all subjects according to full syllabus.

The SSC and equivalent written examination started on February 15 and ended on March 12.

This year, 20 lakh 13 thousand 597 students appeared for secondary and equivalent final examination under 11 education boards, out of which 16 lakh 72 thousand 153 passed.

Out of which 83.77 percent of students passed in 9 General Boards, 79.66 percent in Madrasa Board and 81.38 percent in Technical Board. But this time also in terms of pass rate and number of GPA-5 - girls are ahead in both directions.

The pass rate of male students is 81.57 percent, and 84.47 percent of female students have passed.

That is, 98 thousand 776 girls and 83 thousand 353 boys out of 1 lakh 82 thousand 129 students who got GPA 5.

You can also get the result by visiting this site below:

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