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Apple was defeated by hackers in the beginning

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple is a world famous technology company His last Friday New iPhone 'iPhone 5S' left on the market. this iPhone The most talked about thing was its innovative fingerprint security system, which the company had been announcing as somehow irresistible. But just one day after its release on the market, hackers in Germany managed to bypass Apple's new iPhone 5S fingerprint security system.


Germany's Chaos Computer Club announced on Saturday that it had successfully bypassed Apple's fingerprint-based security system. As the hackers claim, nothing too difficult. This security system can be bypassed with the help of a picture of a fingerprint on a glass and an artificial finger. In addition, hacking experts also commented that this 'high level security system' claimed by Apple is 'ironic.

Despite claiming to be a 'high-level security system', Apple says on its website that this new fingerprint-based security system is not for security, but to avoid trouble with password types. In addition, other applications still have the old password-based security system.

Meanwhile, two security researchers named Robert David and Nick Petrillo are new iPhone 5S A website has been opened focusing on its arrival in the market. On the website named 'IS Touch Hacked', it has been announced to pay 16 thousand dollars to those who will be able to break this security system of Apple.

References: The Tech Journal

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