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5,400 people successfully completed the British Council's Foundation English Test

The Dhaka Times Desk The British Council organized a 'Certificate and Prize Distribution Programme' to mark the successful completion of the Foundation English Test (FETS) of 5,400 candidates of the 'Establishment of Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center Establishment Scheme (2nd Revised)'.

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The event was held today (June 12) at the Utsav Banquet Hall of Dhaka's Radisson Blue Water Garden. As a proud partner of the 'Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center Establishment Project (2nd Revised)' under the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority since 2019, the British Council has assessed the English language skills of 16,000 young workers and candidates. Recently, the British Council conducted the Foundation English Test for 5,400 people in 8 locations across the country. This test will play an important role in improving the English skills of employees and candidates and bring significant changes in their professional life.

Secretary of the Department of Information and Communication Technology was present as the chief guest at the award ceremony. Samsul Arefin. He said, “Today we are ;Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center Project (2nd Revised)”; It is a pleasure to celebrate the achievement of the candidates successfully completing FET as well as to celebrate the overall success of this project. The British Council and trainers have worked tirelessly to ensure that candidates are successful. My sincere gratitude to them for that.”

The Foundation English Test assesses basic level English proficiency in an easy and consistent manner. Candidates who need a certificate of entry-level English proficiency (Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) A1 and B1 levels) can participate in this test. The test can be completed quickly and is also cost effective.

In this regard, British Council Bangladesh Exam Director Maxim Raiman said, “We congratulate all the candidates who successfully completed the Foundation English Test. We are currently providing FET exams to technical schools, government departments and other organizations through our FET exam delivery partners. We hope that this FET test will help organizations like 'Establishment of Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center Establishment Scheme (2nd Revised)' in understanding the English language skills of their candidates, which will increase their acceptance in the highly competitive job market.”

The project director of "Establishment of Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center Establishment Project (2nd Revised)" also spoke on the occasion. Humayun Kabir, British Council Exams Director Bangladesh Maxim Ryman, Global Assessment Foundation English Test Global Product Manager Miriam Seberio, Global Commercial Development Manager Sheiren Ong, Director Operations Junaid Ahmed and Director of Business Development Sarwat Reza.

The British Council's FET Exam Delivery Partners were awarded for playing a key role in the success of this programme. These include – CodersTrust Bangladesh, Easy Technology Limited, AD Soft Limited, Shooting Star Limited, Webpers Limited, Logical Triangle-NRB Jobs- Jayanzara Limited JV, DeCrowd IT Limited & JV, Digicon Technologies Plc.

5,400 people who successfully completed the Foundation English Test were handed over to FET Exam Delivery Partners for certificate distribution.

News bulletins.

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