Categories: health talk

Eye problems and their remedies

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's Health Trips will discuss something about the eye. Because eyes are our precious resource. It is the responsibility of all of us to protect this precious resource. We never think about how much damage can happen if we don't treat our eyes in time.

Today we will discuss several eye issues. Hope these will be useful to our readers. Whenever we see any eye problem, we think that the eye is damaged. Many times we are eager to get glasses when there is an eye problem. Do glasses really take glasses all the time? Many people have this question. These issues will be discussed.

Zoom in or out

You will see that if your child ever squints or tries to see something wide, then you will know that he needs glasses. If you also have a tendency to narrow your eyes, you need to see an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Trouble seeing something far away

If you are watching the game but can't see the score while sitting on the sofa. Or the small writing on the bill board looks blurry. In that case you need to understand that you need glasses. If you see a distant text or a person's face blurred, get your eyes checked by an eye doctor.

Reading too far from the eyes

If it is difficult to read by keeping the book at a very normal distance and in this case if you have to read too close to the eyes, then you must understand that your eyesight has decreased. Again, if it looks clear at a greater than normal distance, you may still need positive power glasses. So, if you have near or far problems while reading a book or magazine, it is important to show your eyes to a doctor. In this case it will not be right to neglect you.

Feel the sparkle in the eyes

Many times, when the eyesight is reduced, it is very difficult to see the eyes. As a result, the eyes get tired very quickly. Therefore, if the eyes feel tired after studying or working on the computer for a while, it is necessary to see an eye doctor.

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Frequent headache problem

One of the symptoms of vision problems is frequent headaches. If you get a headache after studying for a long time or working on the computer for a long time, glasses are needed. Of course, not all cases require glasses. Many times this problem can be eliminated by taking tablets. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, a doctor should be consulted.

In this way, if there is any eye problem, it is important to consult a doctor without worrying about the problem at home. Because even small problems can become big one day. There are many such cases in our society. A very small problem turns into a big problem due to not seeing a doctor. So, if you have any eye problems, see an ophthalmologist without delay. Then small problems will be solved while they are small. Information: Online.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২৪ 2:20 pm

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