Categories: health talk

If we drink tea, we will not need medicine

The Dhaka Times Desk We Bangladeshi people are very hospitable, if we don't have a cup of tea to chat with the guest, the chat is not complete. Today we will tell you that tea is not only for chatting but also about the many benefits of tea!

We usually know about black tea, green tea or camellia tea, and many people have an idea about the benefits of this type of tea. But after these three types of tea, there are many other types of tea around the world. One quality of each tea. If you drink these teas properly, there is no need to go to the doctor for many diseases. As I said earlier, because of the unconventional tea, you can find these teas in various super shops or Chinese restaurants. Let's know what are the qualities of tea.

oolong tea oolong tea in Bengali Oolong tea mainly helps in boosting your health i.e. preventing excess weight loss. It is also very effective in weight loss. It helps to keep your blood cholesterol low, this tea is more beneficial for heart patients, especially for lowering high blood pressure. Antioxidants are especially helpful in controlling skin with type 2 diabetes. You can find oolong tea at various Chinese restaurants.

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Menthol or peppermint tea Many of us also know it as peppermint tea. Many people understand peppermint tea to mean peppermint tea, but we do not mean peppermint tea here. Peppermint has various health benefits that are medically tested. Various medicines are also prepared with paper mint. Peppermint tea helps to protect you from the risk of cancer by destroying cancer cells in your body. In addition, peppermint tea contains a significant amount of antioxidants.

Parsley tea Parsley tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Drinking this tea removes free radicals from your skin and makes your skin glow. Besides, this tea works as a special effective medicine for various types of Athricc disease. For example, many people have severe pain in the back of the waist or behind the heart, which is not relieved by many medicines, so you can easily get rid of these problems by consuming parsley tea.

Chamomile tea For your relaxed health we definitely recommend you to drink chamomile tea. Drinking chamomile tea will soothe your body, reducing the effects of exertion. As a result of drinking this tea, it will help you to relax a lot in hot or cold by controlling your body heat.

Matcha: The Japanese have a saying, carry a matcha tea pot with you wherever you go. Drink matcha at work! The Japanese drink a lot of matcha because it is rich in antioxidants. But medical science says matcha has many benefits! Matcha is so healthful that it is even considered a better water than dark chocolate.

Jojoba flower tea So far you have thought that jaba is just a beautiful flower but jaba has many health benefits. You can boil jaba flower petals or young rose petals in hot water to make tea and it will relax your health a lot and it will control excess sugar in your body.

Barley tea Finally about barley tea, barley has special benefits for our body. Barley tea will give your body special relief in summer heat. It will especially help in controlling blood pressure and also contains antioxidants which are very beneficial for your body.

Source: Times of India

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১০, ২০২৪ 2:14 pm


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