Apple is moving away from Samsung!

The Dhaka Times Desk প্রযুক্তি প্রতিষ্ঠান Apple And Samsung's Many people know about the fierce competition. Recently, Apple has announced a move away from its closest competitor, Samsung. The company said that they are theirs from next year iPod And on the iPhone And won't use chips made by Samsung.

Apple has been using Samsung-made chips in its iPod and iPhone since its inception. But despite the bitter relationship between the two companies in recent times, Apple has not stopped using Samsung's chips in its own devices. Apple's dependence on Samsung surprised many at the time. But with this announcement, it was clear that Apple was just preparing to reduce its dependence on Samsung. A Korean daily called Hongkiang reported this information. Apple has shifted its chip-making responsibilities to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the paper said, by pulling away from Samsung. But not all at once, this Taiwanese company will supply 60 to 70 percent of Apple's total demand for chips. Apple has decided to keep the responsibility of the rest in the hands of Samsung.

This commercial bitterness between Apple and Samsung has long gone to court. In July 2011, Apple approached the court with patents in the field of smartphones and tablet computers. By October of that year, Samsung and Apple were continuing legal battles against each other in the courts of a total of 10 countries around the world. Although it managed to win a victory against Samsung in America, Samsung has defeated Apple in legal battles in South Korea, Japan, Britain.

References: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৩, ২০১৩ 10:04 am


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