Categories: the knowledge

Now you will know the fate of the baby!

The Dhaka Times Desk Science just keeps moving forward. Researchers have patented a database that predicts the future of unborn babies.

According to online news, a US company called twentythreeandmy (23dhfgov) has patented a database that is able to provide parents-to-be with various information about their unborn child. References: Daily Times.

The company said, this database named Family Traits Interior Calculator created through DNA test will be able to provide advance information on what kind of diseases or problems the unborn child will suffer in the future. Apart from that, the weight, height and personality of the unborn child can give a glimpse of what it will be like when it is full grown!

The news also said that expectant couples are already sending their own saliva samples to the company to find out about the unborn child in advance. The company also called on clinics to use it more widely to take the matter further. However, many kinds of criticism have already started in the United States against this patent called 'Build a Baby' by TwentyThreeAndMe. Many have termed it 'immoral' and socially 'unreliable'. As a result, the California-based company Mountain View, however, hastily said that their plan is very temporary. It won't last long.

Critics of this issue think that parents can manipulate the genetic matter by dipping their finger in it and moving it as they wish, and here is the objection. They say, such technology will not bring anything good for people. Rather, people will always want to exploit its harmful side through unwanted use. Critics say it could also lead to the loss of many unborn children's lives.

However, in the face of this criticism, the company wrote on its blog, 'When patenting this database named Twenty-Three and Family Traits Interior Calculator, such a sense of discretion worked that it would be very helpful in the work of clinics; But the manner or context of criticism was not in our mind.'

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This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৬, ২০১৩ 12:50 pm

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