Categories: Science-invention

Made the world's first human-like bionic man-Rex!

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have created a robot that can do almost everything like a human, can hear, walk, sit, see! Scientists spent 1 million dollars to create this robot!

Until now, people have seen science fiction movies and imagined nothing! A robot that looks like a human being will be created that will act according to the instructions or hear and see, now the scientists have turned that fantasy into reality.

Rex, the bionic man, is almost all human, with a human-like pancreas, spleen, kidneys and trachea. It even has a functioning artificial circulatory system.

The first idea to create Rex came from the University of Zurich psychologist Bartolt Meyer's artificial bionic hand. The founding scientists of Rex first noticed that Bertolt Meyer was missing an arm and he was using a bionic arm instead of that arm, so he was doing many of his necessary tasks effortlessly! As a result, scientists themselves think that if a hand can be made, why can't a person with a full body be made? Starting from that inspiration. The world's first bionic man was created. After the creation of Rex, the human shape given to its face is also by psychologist Bertolt Meyer.

ছবিতে মনোবিজ্ঞানী বারটোল্ট মেয়ার নিজের মত দেখতে রেক্স’কে দেখছেন।

The entire creation of Rex was featured in the British Channel Four robotics program 'How to Build a Bionic Man'. The most talked about thing is that 18 university campuses and commercial manufacturing centers around the world have researched the creation of various devices for the human body. Rex, the bionic man created by everyone's extraordinary efforts.

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Many people have various disagreements about the creation of artificial humans, i.e. robots, where a large number of people are currently living unemployed among the working people around the world, there is also a lot of room for thinking about how reasonable it is to give another step to capitalism by creating robots.

Meanwhile, Boston University professor George Ianas said that the current rate at which strong artificial organs are being developed and healthy people are replacing them with normal organs to strengthen themselves, it may cause anarchy in society at one time, which is not a good sign.

Scientists, however, have other motives behind the creation of Rex, especially because many people around the world are losing their legs, arms and other body parts due to various reasons. R. Rex is an artificial human made entirely of prosthetic limbs, thus opening up new possibilities for future prosthetic replacements for people who have lost limbs.

Rex is still the initial stage of artificial human research, scientists said that it will be further developed in the future. And we common people also waited to see how close science can get to nature.

চলুন নিচের ভিডিও’তে এক পলক দেখেনিই প্রথম বায়োনিক মানুষ রেক্স’কেঃ

Thank you: Daily mail

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৬, ২০১৩ 4:49 pm


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