The Dhaka Times Desk Pandit Ravi Shankar's daughter Anushka Shankar has filed a complaint of sexual harassment. He told the media that he will publish a video about this.
Sexual abuse has become a mania around the world. Especially in India its influence is more visible in recent times. 3 Indians have already been sentenced to death for raping a moving bus in Delhi.
Anushka Shankar, daughter of Ravi Shankar, the proverbial man of Indian classical music, has taken the initiative to create new awareness. Anushka was sexually abused as a child by a confidant of her parents. And he announced that he will share that sad memory with the world through a video. Various media including BBC Online have given this news.
It is known that Anushka, a musician by profession, said these things in BBC Radio Four's Front Row programme. Shankarakanya took this decision in memory of the paramedical student who was raped and killed by a moving bus in New Delhi. In her response, Anushka said, she will videotape her horrific experience at her home in London. The video clip will be aired in memory of the medical student who was raped by a moving bus in Delhi.
Singer Anushka also said that people should understand that such incidents can happen to anyone, anywhere. Besides, Anushka said that she will sing a song in her name in memory of the medical student.
Ravi Sankar Tanaya, 32, a musician, told BBC Radio Front Row presenter John Wilson: 'I've never said this in front of the media.'
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৭, ২০১৩ 5:26 pm
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