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Superhero science fiction movie 'Krrish 3'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Superhero movies mean a lot of craze and if it's a Bollywood superhero movie then it's no wonder - it can be said to be a great joy and aspirational thing for Indian movie goers. Rakesh Roshan Sequel to Bollywood's first superhero movie directed by Krrish 'Krrish 3' Coming soon.


It started in 2003, Bollywood's first sci-fi movie "Koi Mil Gaya" through liberation. The sequel of that movie 'Krrish' was released in 2008. Superhero character 'agriculture' Became a very popular character among children and at the same time achieved commercial success. Keeping the continuity of that character and story, the screen is shaking again  Hrithik Roshan Starring 'Krrish 3'.

In the previous movie 'Krrish' Dr. Siddharth married Priya after defeating the dreaded villain Dr. Arya and bringing father Rohit back from the brink of death. At the same time, he started serving the common people by fighting various enemies. Meanwhile, his father Rohit has devoted himself to the benefit of people by using his talent in science.

But evil spirits do not stop there. On the other side of the world, a terrible monster called 'Kal' has been created. Whose purpose is to rule the whole world by creating a kingdom of fear and terror. The genius 'Kal' harnesses all his powers to simultaneously create a formidable army that attacks the Earth one after the other.

Rohit and Krish come forward to save the world from them. But it is not so easy because this villain Kal is more powerful than they think. So how to save the world 'Krish'? To know, the audience will have to wait till the release of the movie.

Some features of the movie:

  • Use of powerful and expensive special effects never seen before in a Hindi movie.
  • The movie has a Supergirl villain character. Kangana Ranaut played that role.
  • The trailer of the much awaited superhero movie 'Krrish 3' has grabbed the spot as the most popular Bollywood movie trailer on YouTube. Till now the trailer has been viewed more than 1 crore 66 lakh times.
  • Will be seen as a villain called 'Kal' Vivek Oberoi.
  • Movie music is composed by Rajesh Roshan and background music by Salim-Solaiman. The property of which T series bought for 60 million rupees.

Krish 3 at a glance

  • Name: Krish 3
  • Director: Rakesh Roshan
  • Story and Screenplay: Rakesh Roshan, Honey Irani
  • Producer: Rakesh Roshan
  • Acting: Hrithik Roshan, Priyanka Chopra, Vivek Oberoi, Kangana Ranaut etc.
  • Composer: Rajesh Roshan
  • Genre: Superhero Science Fiction
  • Language: hindi
  • Release date: November 1, 2013
  • Format: Digital – 3D
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