The Dhaka Times
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Weird news: 75 percent of human brain structure is water!

The Dhaka Times Desk 75 percent of the structure of the human brain is water! Scientists have given such information. Recently, such news has been published in an online news media.

human brain

Many unknown facts will be highlighted today. They may not be believable to all of us, but they are real.

the brain

There is no end to the research of scientists on the human brain. This time they said that 75 percent of the structure of the human brain is water.

Fish scales in lipstick

Fish scales in lipstick - a bit of embarrassing information for women. Many people may jump a little in the void after knowing. Most lipsticks contain processed fish scales as one of the ingredients.

Human tongue impressions are also different

We know that every person's fingerprint is different. And so fingerprints are used in land registry or those who do not know how to read and write. But this time another new information has been found. And that is just as the fingerprints of people are different, the tongue print of each person is not the same. That is, different.

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