The Dhaka Times
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Returning home on Eid is the suffering of people. Heavy traffic jam on the west bank of Bangabandhu Bridge

The Dhaka Times Desk That old story. But this time it is not in Ashulia, but in the western bank of Bangabandhu Bridge. The suffering of people returning home for Eid is at an extreme.

Untraffic congestiontitled-1 copy

It is known that this traffic jam has been created for at least 10 km from the west bank of Bangabandhu Bridge to Bogra via Sirajganj intersection. Because of this, the suffering of people returning home on Eid has reached an extreme level. On the other hand, a total of about 20 kilometers of traffic jam has been created from Sirajganj Roundabout to Hatikumrul towards Natore. People returning home on Eid are suffering for hours in these areas. This traffic jam started last night and continues till today Saturday.

On the other hand, traffic jams have been created in several areas of Tangail. According to TV news sources, a covered van broke down and caused a traffic jam in Tangail area on Friday.

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