The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the Mahaashtami of the autumn Durga Puja of Hindus. Kumari Puja is being celebrated today as per Sanatana Dharmalambida rules.
Kumari Puja will be held today Saturday on Mahashtami. . According to Sri Sri Loknath Panjika today is Mahashtami day at 9:48 am Mahashtami Vihit Pooja of Durga Devi and Mahashtami fast. Sandhi Puja starts between 4:18 PM and 5:6 PM. However, Sandhi Puja at Ramakrishna Mission will be held between 3:33 PM and 4:21 PM in Siddhant Panjikamat.
Note that the main attraction of Mahashtami is Kumari Puja. Kumari Puja is held in several places of the country including Dhaka and Dinajpur Ramakrishna Mission. Jagatmata (Goddess Durga) worshiped by these Hindus is the mother of all women. Kumari Puja is held to awaken this awareness among all.