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Tomorrow May 3rd is World Free Press Day

Tomorrow May 3rd is World Press Freedom Day. The National Journalists' Association will observe the day by following the basic principles of establishing freedom of journalism and free media, evaluating media freedom worldwide, taking an oath to resist interference with media freedom, and commemorating journalists who lost their lives and lost their lives in the course of their professional duties. According to the recommendation of the 26th General Session of UNESCO in 1991, the United Nations decided to observe this day from 1993. This year the theme of this day is Media Freedom has the Power to Transform Societies.

In a message given on the occasion of World Free Press Day, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokava called for a minute of silence on that day in memory and honor of journalists who are victims of harassment, torture and murder in various parts of the world. In response to this call, the National Journalist Association has taken a program to observe a minute of silence across the country on May 3 at 11:59 am, according to a message served by BNS. President of National Journalist Association Muhammad Altaf Hossain and Secretary General SM Sirajul Islam called upon all district and upazila branches of the organization, all journalist organizations, all press clubs of the country, journalists and media to make this program a success. Moreover, on the occasion of World Free Media Day, a colorful rally will be held from the National Press Club at 11:00 am on Thursday, May 3, on the initiative of the National Journalists' Association, and a minute's silence will be observed in front of the National Press Club at 11:59 a.m. to honor and remember the journalists who were killed in Bangladesh and other parts of the world. Human bond program will be held from 12 noon to 1 am against torture and harassment of journalists in different parts of the country. . President Muhammad Altaf Hossain and Secretary General SM Sirajul Islam urged all district and upazila branches of the National Journalist Association to adopt their own programs in the light of the central program. News notification.

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