Categories: Science-invention

A watery planet was discovered

The Dhaka Times Desk In order to understand whether life can survive and develop on a planet, it is necessary to know whether water exists on that planet. So since the discovery of extraterrestrial planets, scientists have been searching for planets that have water one after another. Scientists have discovered water on a rocky planet outside our solar system.

British space scientists GD61 He reported the discovery of the existence of this planet. Hubble Space Telescope and located in Hawaii Keck Telescope They came to know about this planet by using Using these two telescopes, scientists from the University of Warwick and the University of Cambridge observed the planet's dust and other debris piles. The planet is about 170 light years away from Earth.

In an article published in the journal Science, scientists say they have discovered the existence of oxygen outside the planet. Moreover, from the observations, they concluded that the planet was part of a much larger planet in the past. Besides, 26 percent of the total mass of the planet is water. But this amount is much less compared to the world. One of the first two prerequisites for a habitable planet is that it must be rocky and contain water, said Boris Gansik, a member of the research team. Both are found on this planet. Finding such a planet outside the solar system is therefore quite exciting.

Note that this is the first time that such a watery rocky planet has been discovered outside the solar system. Earlier, scientists announced the existence of potable water on Mars through the astronaut robot Opportunity.

References: Xinhua

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This post was last modified on মে ১১, ২০১৬ 9:37 am


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  • হাসিনার যা শুরু করতেছে মন ছায় বউপলাপান লইয়া অন্ন কুন গ্রহে ছলে যাই ।

  • হাসিনার জা শুরু করতেছে মন ছায় বউপলাপান লইয়া অন্ন কুন গ্রহে ছলে যাই ।

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