Categories: general

Eid arrangements are almost complete. Tomorrow is the holy Eid-ul-Azha

The Dhaka Times Desk The Eid which starts with going to the market and buying cows is near. The holy Eid-ul-Azha will be celebrated tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Eid-ul-Azha, the great religious festival of the Muslim Ummah, glowing with the glory of great sacrifices like sacrifices for the sake of Allah. Eid-ul-Azha is being celebrated in the Muslim world to commemorate a historical event of immense loyalty to Allah and supreme sacrifice for His sake. Millions of devout Muslims around the world sacrifice animals every year as a symbolic sign of the self-sacrifice and unparalleled ideals of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.). This time was no exception. All the preparations for Eid are going on. All the tools of sacrifice such as knives, knives and other items have already been prepared. The joy of Eid will start tomorrow night. The auspicious beginning of two rakat prayers in the morning will begin with the offering of Qurbani after the prayers.

On the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, a three-day public holiday has started from today. National dailies have brought out special issues ahead of Eid. Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Betar, all private TV channels and FM Radio are broadcasting special programs for a week on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. Like every year, millions of people left the capital Dhaka on the occasion of Eid. As a result, the capital is now empty. The roads are not jammed. It seems to be a different Dhaka.

Many have completed the purchase of sacrificial animals to celebrate Eid al-Adha. Those who have not yet bought are running from one market to another market to buy animals. The main congregation will be held at the National Eidgah.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৫, ২০১৩ 10:44 am

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