Categories: general

The price of leather is high. Tannery owners are reluctant to buy

The Dhaka Times Desk Leather was sold at high prices in various areas including the capital yesterday on the day of Eid. However, tannery owners who are wholesale buyers from retail buyers are reportedly reluctant to buy leather.

The price of leather has been very good this Eid. The skins which were sold for 800 or 1000 taka last year have been sold for more than 1500 taka this time. Such information was obtained by visiting different areas of the capital. However, suppliers have complained that tannery owners are reluctant to buy these leathers. Tannery owners are buying leather but at a very slow pace, they say. If such a situation continues, they will face a lot of problems.

From the retail buyer to the tannery owners, the leather passes through at least two more hands. If the tannery owners do not buy leather at the right time, then the concerned traders have to face problems. Because they are buying leather worth millions of rupees and managing the money in different ways. If they cannot sell the purchased skins at the right time, they have to pay a lot of fees.

It is to be noted that ahead of Eid, Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear Exporters Association, Bangladesh Hide and Skin Merchants Association and Bangladesh Tanners Association set the price of collection of sacrificial animal skin. According to the fixed fixed price, the traders will buy salted cow hide in Dhaka at Tk 85-90 per square feet. And buy outside Dhaka for 75-80 taka. Besides, the price of Khasi leather is fixed at Tk 50-55 per square foot, Goat leather at Tk 40-45 and Buffalo leather at Tk 40-45.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৭, ২০১৩ 10:45 am

Staff reporter

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